Poetry makes nothing happen

What good is a flourishing poetry market, if what we read in poetry books renders us more confused, less appreciative of nuance, less able to engage with ideas, more indignant about the things that annoy us, and more resentful of others who appear to be different from us? The ability to draw a crowd, attract an audience or assemble a mob does not itself render a thing intrinsically good: witness Donald Trump. Like the new president, the new poets are products of a cult of personality, which demands from its heroes only that they be ‘honest’ and ‘accessible’, where honesty is defined as the constant expression of what one feels, and accessibility means the complete rejection of complexity, subtlety, eloquence and the aspiration to do anything well.

— Rebecca Watts, “The Cult of the Noble Amateur,” PN Review 239, Volume 44 Number 3, January – February 2018.

Poetry makes nothing happen

One thought on “Poetry makes nothing happen

  1. Pritika Nehra says:

    But hasn’t popular literature always been like that; Bit shallow, artless entertainment. A person craving for a poetic thought on a sleepless, dark night will hardly ever knock at the door of these ‘simplified feelings selling’ crowd-pullers.


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